Articles on Valuation Under Gst

GST Valuation in case of Pure Agent – How pure agent services are treated under GST Valuation Rules
By Paras Mehra June 9, 2017
Pure agent is the different case altogether. Any services provided as pure agent are not included in the ultimate value of the services and hence no GST is charged on that service.

Value of Services by Air travel Agent under GST Valuation Rules – Makemytrip, PayTM
By Paras Mehra June 9, 2017
Valuation for air travel agents is done with GST valuation rules and not on the basis of transaction value. Air Travel agents are the mediator between the ultimate customer and the airlines e.g., PayTM.

Value of Service by Life Insurance Business as per GST valuation rules – LIC
By Paras Mehra June 9, 2017
Valuation of Life insurance business is treated as a special case under GST and hence, should be dealt in consonance with the GST Valuation Rules. The value of supply of services in relation to life insurance business shall be the gross premium charged.

By Paras Mehra June 8, 2017
Valuation of any supply of goods or services under GST shall be the transaction value if price is a sole consideration and supplier and recipient are not related. However, in case of second hand goods, valuation is done in terms of GST valuation rules.

Valuation for Money Changing Business under GST as per Final Valuation Rules
By Paras Mehra June 6, 2017
To ascertain the value of money changing services, a supplier can choose between two options. However, a person supplying the services may exercise this option to ascertain value for a financial year and such option shall not be withdrawn.

All About Valuation – How valuation is done for supply of Goods/Services under GST
By Paras Mehra June 5, 2017
The value of a supply of goods and/or services shall be the transaction value [in monetary terms], that is the price actually paid or payable for the said supply of goods and/or services or both.

By Paras Mehra June 5, 2017
Under GST, the valuation is done based on the transaction value only if price is a sole consideration and supplier and the recipient are not related. In this article, we shall discuss how valuation is done when price is not a sole consideration.

How Valuation is done in case of related parties under GST as per Valuation rules
By Paras Mehra June 5, 2017
Section 15 of CGST act governs the provision of valuation under the GST law. As per section 15, transaction value shall be accepted as the value for valuation purpose subject to the following conditions.
- Format of Consent letter for GST registration in word format – Free Download
- How to know PAN Number of the Company/Business – Know your PAN from Basic Details
- How to start a finance company in India – License and Procedure for finance company registration
- List of Documents required for GST registration – Everything about required documents under GST Act and rules
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