Get your Trademark (TM)
Renewal Online in India
11,200/- (inclusive of all taxes & fees)
Important Points
- - Trademark Renewal in 3 Working Days
- - Can be renewed even six months after expiry
- - Free advice before payment
All About Filing Trademark Renewal in India
What is Trademark Renewal in India?
Every registered trademark has a validity period of ten years and if you want to use it after ten years, then you need to renew the trademark after paying the respective renewal fees. Trademark renewal can be filed either BEFORE 6 months or AFTER 6 months from the date of expiry of the trademark.
How to File Trademark renewal in India?
Every registered trademark needs to be renewed after 10 years to avoid de-registration of the mark. hence, one should be careful for the dates and keep a regular check to avoid any delay in filing the trademark renewal. The three important steps are as follows:
#Prepare TM 12: To renew the trademark, you need to fill the Trademark form no.12. Make sure it should be filed by the same person on whose name trademark is registered. Further, be cautious while filing TM 12. to avoid any mistake later on.
#Pay the Required Fees: Once application is filed properly, the next step is to pay the required fees to the Trademark department. The trademark renewal fees is class wise, i.e. Rs.5,000 per class.
#Keep TM Tracking: Once you submit the application TM 12 after paying the Trademark Renewal Fees, make sure you do the proper tracking to ensure the correct filing of Trademark Renewal.
What is Trademark Renewal Period in India?
As already said, trademark renewal period is the period of every 10 years. Every trademark needs to be renewed in every ten years to avoid losing the brand protection. Further, renewal should be done either BEFORE Six month or AFTER six month from the date of trademark registration.
Learn About Trademark Renewal
Learn everything about Trademark renewal, its advantages, through our learning center.

Documents Required for Trademark Renewal
A three working days procedure to get your trademark renewed. Here is everything you wants to know about Trademark Renewal in India.
Documents Required for Trademark Renewal Reply
(We need all documents in scan form. No hard copies are needed)Only Two Documents are Required
- - Power of Attorney
- - A basic form to fill
Track your Trademark to know its current status
We have received your Trademark Renewal request, kindly
fill your details so we can contact you.
Trademark (TM) Renewal Online Filing Procedure
It takes approx 3 working days to prepare the draft reply and 30 to 60 days to get updated on the TM database.
Studying the
Case Properly
We study your case to ascertain whether TM can be renewed or not.
Prepare and Finalize
TM 12
We prepare TM 12 and finalize same after making payment.
TM Registration
After Filing the Trademark renewal, we track status to know results.
Total Cost for Trademark (TM) Renewal Filing
Total Cost Breakup
Items | Price |
Government Fee | 9,000 |
Affidavit Cost | 100 |
TM Attorney Fee | 500 |
Professional Fee (Inclusive of Taxes) | 999 |
Total Trademark Renewal Cost in India | 11,200 |
Ask for Discount Coupon, Call +91-7703847519
Why Online Trademark Renewal is important?
A Registered Trademark is a priceless asset and should not be given away so easily. it takes around 2 to 3 years for a trademark to get registered and becomes valid for a period of 10 years. If you do not renew it, the protection over the mark lapse and the register may abandon the trademark. The Trademark renewal in India can be filed before the following dates:
- - BEFORE THE 6 months from the Last date of Trademark expiration. or
- - AFTER THE 6 months from the date of trademark Expiration subject to late fees.
Features of Online Trademark (TM) Renewal
- Quick and fast Updation.
- Re-validity for next 10 years.
- If not filed, trademark shall abandon.
- Cheap and best online price in terms of best team to work on.
- Keep a regular track on Trademark status online.
- Quick and Fast Updation
- Re-validity for next 10 years
- If not filed, TM shall abandon
Why choose Hubco for Trademark Renewal?
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