Get Digital Signature
Certificate (DSC) Online in India
Class 2 Digital Signature 999/- (inclusive of all taxes & fees)
Important Points
- - Get Digital Signature in a Day.
- - Fast and Reliable, anywhere in India.
- - Class 3 Digital Signatures @ 3,499 (All inclusive).
All About Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in India
What is a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)?
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a code which helps you to sign on the computers efficiently. The authenticity of Digital Signature is as same as in the physical signature. Digital Signatures are very common now a days and you need it everywhere from filing of company registration to filing the income tax return online.
The types of Digital Signature Certificates (DSC)
There are three classes of Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) which are registered in India. Namely Class I, Class II and Class III digital Signatures. Let us understand each of them.
#Class I Digital Signatures (DSC): The class I of digital signature is not used now and days and it is not very popular.
#Class 2 Digital Signatures (DSC): This is most common digital signature code which is registered by the users. It helps in company registration filing, ITR filings, signing the invoices and other various users.
However, this class 2 digital signatures cannot be used for e tendering purposes, for that purpose class 3 digital signatures is used.
#Class 3 Digital Signatures: This type of digital signature is also very popular because it is needed for e tendering purposes. Further, it also comes with encryption technology.
How to get Class 2 Digital Signatures (DSC)?
Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) can be obtained by proper KYC and following the prescribed procedure to ensure a complete and safe registration of the Digital Signature Codes (DSC).
Learn about Digital Signature (DSC)
Learn everything about Digital Signature (DSC) certificates, advantages in India through our learning center.
Get your Digital Signature (DSC) Now
We help you to get the Digital Signature certificates online (DSC) to speed up your work and procedure.
Documents Required for Digital Signature (DSC)
Only Three Documents are Required
- - Digital Signature (DSC) application form
- - PAN and ID Proof Self Certified Copies
- - Mobile Verification is Require
Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
Get Your Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in 1 to 2 days with Mobile Verification
Total Cost For
Digital Signature
Get the Digital Signature @ 999/- all inclusive anywhere in India.
Timeline for
Digital Signature
We take average of one to two days to get your digital Signature (DSC).
Procedure to get
digital Signature
Kindly send all the documents on email and on our address and do the mobile verification.
Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
Get Your Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in 1 to 2 days with Mobile Verification
Total Cost For
Digital Signature
Get the Class 3 Digital Signature @ 3,499/- all inclusive anywhere in India.
Timeline for
Digital Signature
We take average of three to four days to get your class 3 digital Signature (DSC).
Procedure to get
digital Signature
Kindly send all the documents on email and on our address and do the mobile verification.
In case you want a Professional Tie up for bulk Digital Signatures order,
Kindly call us at +91-7703847519 or email at
Class 3 Digital Signature with encryption
It is another type of class 3 digital signature which is commonly known as Class 3 digital Signature with encryption. Encryption is another technology which provide additional security to your digital signature certificate. Here are few points about the Class 3 DSC with encryption:
- - Cost of getting this DSC is same as 3,499/- (all inclusive) as written above.
- - It takes around 3 to 4 working days to get DSC with encryption.
- - Under documentation part, a video verification link will come to your email id and same need to be verified by using webcam.
Call at +91-7703847519 for Further clarification.
Uses of Digital Signature Certificates (DSC)
- Helps you to file the Income Tax return (ITR) fast.
- Helps in incorporating the Companies.
- You can sign any document in PDF using DSC.
- Helps you to file the e-tender for government or private.
- You can file the government tender or private tender.
- Better Protection online
- No Chances of being copied
- Many Advantages
FAQs on Digital Signature Certificates (DSC)
Q. How much time is taken to issue a DSC?
Normally, 1-2 days, will take to issue the DSC based on the documents availability.
Q. Can a simple PDF document be signed through DSC?
Yes a simple PDF can be signed with the help of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) if you have Adobe Acrobat in your computer system.
Q. Can a person have two digital signatures say one for official use and other one for personal use?
Yes, a person can have two Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) and it depends on him which he wants to use for personal purpose and which for official purpose.
Q. What type of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is to be obtained for eFiling on the MCA Portal ?
Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is required for Income Tax filing, ROC and MCA filing. Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate can be issued for 1 year or 2 years for the particular person who needs to sign the particular documents which need to be uploaded on MCA or Income Tax Website.
Q. What type of Digital Signature Certificate is required for e-Tendering, e-Procurement, Trademark / Patent filing?
Class 3 Company or Class 3 Organization Digital Signature certificate is required for e-Tendering, e-Procurement, Trademark or Patent filing.
Class 3 is the highest type of Digital Signature Certificate. It can be issued for 1 years or 2 years. After the validity period, user needs to renew class 3 digital signature certificates.
Q. How to use digital signature in income tax return?
Digital signatures provide a high level of security for authentication and non-repudiation along with convenience and easy usability. So, for using the DSC On Income Tax Website, you first need to generate the signature file with the help of DSC management utility available on Income Tax Website.
Once the Signature file gets generated, the same needs to be uploaded while filing the Income Tax Return and your return gets signed.
Q. How to use digital signature certificate?
Using a Digital Signature Certificate is simple as now a days all the DSC tokens coming are plug n play in nature. One needs to install the software of the DSC token in the system and keep the JAVA updated in the system, so that he/she can easily use the DSC in the system.
Q. What type of DSC be used in filing of Import Export Code (IEC)?
To file a application for Import Export Code (IEC) in India on DGFT Website, one needs a Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate issued on the applicant name who is responsible for applying the Import Export Code(IEC).
Q. What are the different classes of Digital Signature Certificates?
Practically, now a days only two types of DSC is needed in the industry and these are:
Class 2: Commonly used for Income Tax, MCA filing purposes. Here, the identity of a person is verified against a trusted, pre-verified database.
Class 3: Commonly used for DGFT, Trademark, E-tendering purpose. This is the highest level where the person needs to present himself or herself in front of a Registration Authority (RA) and prove his/ her identity.
Q. What is DSC Certifying Authority?
Certifying Authorities are the authorities empowered by Controller of Certifying Authorities to Issue Digital Signature Certificates in India and the following are:
- Safescrypt
- e-MudhraCA
Q. What type of DSC is used for DGFT?
Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is used for the purpose of filing in DGFT.
Q. What is Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)?
Class 3 DGFT Digital Signature Certificate is required for DGFT website to communicate or for E-tendering. Class 3 Digital Signature (DSC) provided by is valid for a period of 2 years.
Q. What is Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)?
Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate is required for Income Tax filing, ROC and MCA filing. Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate provided by valid for a period of 2 years.
After the valid period, user needs to renew class 2 digital signature certificates. Class 2 Digital Signature certificate can be issued to individual.
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