Articles on Gst

By Paras Mehra July 19, 2017
There is new issue which is being faced by the lot of people on fresh GST registration. After filing the GST REG 1 on, the ARN number gets generated. After the ARN number being generated, the taxpayer needs to wait for 3 to 5 working days.

What is Letter of Undertaking (LTU) for Export under GST?
By Paras Mehra July 19, 2017
If any taxpayer wants to export without payment of IGST then he shall need to file a bond or a letter of undertaking to the department. A letter of undertaking (LTU) is the documents format of which is being prescribed under form GST RFD 11 under rule 96A

By Paras Mehra July 19, 2017
If you want to export the goods or services under GST without charging the IGST on the same, then you need to submit the bond or letter of undertaking that all the requirements regarding exports under GST shall be complied with.

By Paras Mehra July 18, 2017
After 1st July, 2017, one thing the consumers are finding irritating that both VAT and GST are charged on the same bill. People always question this levy because what they have understood is that GST has already subsumed all the existing indirect taxes.

Why GST cannot be abolished on textiles/garments goods including fabric as per Government of India
By Paras Mehra July 18, 2017
The war between the textiles industry and the government over the GST implementation is getting worse day by day and both the parties are very firm on their stand.Let us understand the government point of view on why GST cannot be abolished on textiles.

By Paras Mehra July 18, 2017
GST registration for works contract and construction companies is one of the most typical concepts which are being discussed in the country. People have many questions with few answers and hence, as a result, we thought of writing on this disputed topic.

By Paras Mehra July 17, 2017
Since GST has been implemented from 1st July, 2017, people are very skeptical about its impact including, registrations, invoicing, valuation etc. Hence, we have written this article to cover all the GST aspects on sale of second hand goods.

By Paras Mehra July 15, 2017
Exporters if you want to continue exporting goods without payment of GST, then you need to file the revise LTU or bond by 31st July, 2017 manually with your jurisdictional assistant commissioner who is having jurisdiction over your principle place.

By Paras Mehra July 14, 2017
A message is being circulated in the social media that GST shall be liable to be paid when an individual sell his old jewelry to the jeweler under reverse charge because this shall be considered as supply.
- Format of Consent letter for GST registration in word format – Free Download
- How to know PAN Number of the Company/Business – Know your PAN from Basic Details
- How to start a finance company in India – License and Procedure for finance company registration
- List of Documents required for GST registration – Everything about required documents under GST Act and rules
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