Nidhi Company Registration – A Complete guide

by Paras Mehra 41.5K


Starting a finance business or want to legalize your existing finance business, then you are at the right door as Nidhi Company is the only available option to start a finance business legally that too without the Reserve Bank approval.

As said, Nidhi Company is now gaining importance day by day however, information about the Nidhi Company registration and compliance is limited and scattered and hence, we are writing this guide to provide a complete set of information and one stop solution for Nidhi Companies in India.

Nidhi Company registration – at a glance

Nidhi Company offers various advantages over various other forms of finance business including NBFC registered with RBI because it allows you to accept deposits that to 20 times the net owned fund (Capital invested).

For e.g. if you have started a Nidhi Company with Rs.10 lakh, then you will be able to accept deposits of Rs.2 crore (i.e. twenty times). Let us read some basics about the Nidhi Company registration in India:

Further, it can also advertise any new deposit schemes but within its members only. After getting a glance at the Nidhi Company in India, let us move forward and understand all the related laws, terms in detail.

Documents required for Nidhi Company Registration

There is a very easy list for getting the Nidhi Company incorporated. The documents will be required for each of the 7 initial members.

Documents list for members


Documents list for registered office

Documents for registered office depend upon the ownership of the premises. Hence, two categories can be formed for this structure:

Once all the documents collection is over, try to take the scan copy of the documents, because all the documents are submitted online.

Nidhi Company registration procedure

The Company registration procedure in India is witnessing a complete change after many complaints have been received. Further, it is expected that the new company registration procedure will revolutionaries the way Companies or business are registered in India.

The brief about the new procedure is explained below:

At this stage, a Nidhi Company registration procedure gets over and compliance procedure starts. Here is the flow chart representation of Nidhi Company registration procedure.

Open bank account and mark for compliances

Once the Nidhi Company is registered, the next thing you do is to open the bank account with any scheduled bank and mark for initial compliance. Here is some initial compliance which you must do as per Nidhi rules and Companies Act:

We have discussed some major compliance of Nidhi Rules, apart from the above; there is some minor compliance as well as a board meeting, auditor appointment etc.

How to make members of Nidhi Company

This is perhaps the most important question about the Nidhi Company because 90% of the Nidhi Company does not wrongly. Also, if members are not added to the company legally, then transactions done with them will be regarded as void.

There are basically two ways by which you can add members in the Nidhi Company:

Out of the above two, the second method is the quickest, cheapest and the best way to add members in Nidhi Company because allotment happens hand to hand with no separate filing to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) each month.

Further, every member is given 1 share (10 shares in case of fixed deposit) of Nidhi to complete membership procedure.

Read the complete procedure to add new members to Nidhi Company.

Membership form, Loan form and other documentation

Nidhi Company is a finance company and runs mostly like a bank when it comes to documentation and hence, proper documentation is all that one needs. Please refer here for membership form documentation and for other documentation, please email us at

Loan by Nidhi Company

The only business a Nidhi Company can do is to give a loan to its members and earn. Apart from giving a loan, a Nidhi Company cannot do any other business. Further, since Nidhi Company uses public funds to lend loan, it is not allowed to lend unsecured loans.

In other words, a Nidhi Company can only lend secured loans that too against the following securities:

Know more about the loan by Nidhi Company.

Deposits under Nidhi Company

This is perhaps the most important feature of Nidhi Company that keeps its difference from the other type of finance companies. A Nidhi Company is allowed to accept deposits and that too twenty times the net owned fund.

E.g. If you have invested Rs.10 lakh into the company, then you could accept deposits up to a Rs.2 crore. Here are following the type of deposits which can be accepted by Nidhi Company:

Please refer here for more on deposits under Nidhi Company.

Micro finance under Nidhi Company

This question is the most widely asked question about whether a Nidhi Company can do microfinance in India. The answer is no. A Nidhi Company can only do secured loan and cannot lend unsecured loan to any client, hence, it is not possible for a Nidhi Company to do a micro finance business.

Read more about micro finance by Nidhi Company

Compliance with Nidhi Company

Nidhi Company is a special company and hence, it is natural that more compliance would be added to its portfolio. Other than the normal compliances which every company needs to file, there are two additional compliances which Nidhi Company has to comply as per the Nidhi rules, 2018.

Here is the brief about the Nidhi Company compliances in India:

Can a Nidhi Company issue debit cards

No, a Nidhi Company cannot issue a debit card, since its software is not linked to CBS software of bank. Further, it is not possible to link both the software and hence, any withdrawal process has to be processed manually.

Nidhi Company software

A calculation under a finance company is a tedious task and almost impossible to handle it manually and hence, Nidhi Company software is being used by the companies to handle everything from loan calculation to saving account balance.

Know more about the Nidhi Company software



In these 2000 words Nidhi Company guide, we have tried to explain every bit and pieces about the Nidhi Company registration and it’s working. In case we have left anything, or you have any doubt, please email us at

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Nidhi Company in India – All rules and regulations as per MCA Norms

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